Amino Acids

Baxter offers a portfolio of intravenous amino acid solutions specifically tailored to support growth in newborns and children and to meet the protein needs of adult patients.

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Protein is critical not only for enabling growth and development in neonatal and pediatric patients,1 but also for maintaining lean body mass and supporting recovery in adults.2 When oral or enteral protein intake is not possible, insufficient, or contraindicated, parenteral amino acid solutions can be used.2,13  Primene, Baxter’s 10% amino acid solution for neonatal and pediatric patients, contains a mixture of 20 essential, semi-essential, and non-essential amino acids and is designed to mimic cord plasma levels of preterm and fullterm infants.3,4  Synthamin, Baxter’s amino acid solution portfolio for adult patients, contains 15 essential and non-essential amino acids.5-10 

See full prescribing information for Primene


Inadequate amino acid intake can disrupt nitrogen balance

Proteins, which are made up of amino acids, are the major structural and functional components of all cells in the body. Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized by humans and must be provided in the diet or via PN, whereas non-essential amino acids can be made from other amino acids or precursors. Some amino acids are semi-essential, meaning that their synthesis is limited under certain circumstances. The required intake of each essential and semi-essential amino acid is the amount necessary to maintain nitrogen balance, and in neonatal and pediatric patients, to generate adequate growth.11 In neonatal and pediatric patients, inadequate amino acid supply can lead to impaired growth and neurodevelopment,1 while in adult patients, lack of proteins can impact recovery, wound healing and immune function.2 Still, protein intake is often far below the current guideline recommendations.2, 12-14, 20


Primene 10% for neonatal and pediatric patients

Primene, a 20 amino acid solution, contains the highest cysteine, lysine, and ornithine content per gram of protein of all pediatric amino acid solutions and has been shown to promote growth in height and weight as well as psychomotor development in pediatric pateints.4,15-17,22  Provision of cysteine is necessary for production of glutathione, which is important in antioxidant defense and calcium homeostasis.11, 21  Primene has been meeting pediatric amino acids needs for over 35 years and is the same amino acid solution found in the Numeta portfolio of ready-to-use neonatal and pediatric three-chamber-bags.4,18,23,24

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Important safety information

This abbreviated summary of product characteristics (SPC) is intended for international use. Please note that it may differ from the licensed SPC in the country where you are practicing.

Therefore, please always consult your country-specific SPC or package leaflet.


1000 ml Infusionslösung enthalten: L-Isoleucin 6,70 g; L-Leucin 10,00 g; L-Valin 7,60 g; L-Lysin 11,00 g; L-Methionin 2,40 g; L-Phenylalanin 4,20 g; L-Threonin 3,70 g; L-Tryptophan 2,00 g; L-Arginin 8,40 g; L-Histidin 3,80 g; L-Alanin 8,00 g; L-Aspartinsäure 6,00 g; Cystein 1,89 g; L-Glutaminsäure 10,00 g; Glycin 4,00 g; L-Prolin 3,00 g; L-Serin 4,00 g; L-Tyrosin 0,45 g; L-Ornithinhydrochlorid 3,18 g; Taurin 0,60 g; Gesamtstickstoff 15 g/l; Aminosäuren 100 g/l; Cl- 19 mmol/l; Osmolarität 780 mosmol/l; pH 5.0 – 6.5.

Bausteine für die Proteinsynthese im Rahmen einer parenteralen Ernährungstherapie bei normal ernährten oder unterernährten Frühgeborenen, reifen Neugeborenen, Säuglingen, Kleinkindern und Kindern bei unzureichender, schwer zu verabreichender oder kontraindizierter oraler oder enteraler Nahrungszufuhr.

Primene 10 % pur ist kontraindiziert bei: Überempfindlichkeit gegen die Wirkstoffe oder einen der in Abschnitt 6.1 genannten sonstigen Bestandteile von Primene 10 % pur; instabilen Kreislaufverhältnissen mit vitaler Bedrohung (Schock); unzureichender zellulärer Sauerstoffversorgung; angeborenen Störungen im Aminosäurenstoffwechsel; Hyperhydratation, Hypokaliämie und Hyponatriämie.

L-Äpfelsäure (zur pH-Einstellung), Wasser für Injektionszwecke.

NAME ODER FIRMA UND ANSCHRIFT DES ZULASSUNGSINHABERS: Zulassungsinhaber: Baxter Healthcare GmbH, Stella-Klein-Löw-Weg 15, A-1020 Wien


Weitere Angaben zu „Besondere Warnhinweise und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für die Anwendung“, „Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Arzneimitteln und sonstige Wechselwirkungen“, „Fertilität, Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit“ und „Nebenwirkungen“ sind der veröffentlichten Fachinformation zu entnehmen.